Friday, March 28, 2014

The Moon

The moon is up in the sky. Such a vital component of the earth. Without its light, we would not be able to see at night. all that would be would be pitch black. The moon has been reached by man before. The first landing on the moon happened along time ago. Every astronauts dream is to reach another sort of land outside that of Earths. I personally would be afraid to leave earths atmosphere because of the risks that it may have to you living and seeing earth again. I believe people who can and are willing to make these kinds of trips are heroes because of the risks they are trying to take just for the knowledge of man. The moon has been used in history to help tell time. A lot of people have worshiped this huge glowing orb as if it was some sort of God. It is a really fascinating thing if you think about it. One question i had always wondered, is the moon really made of cheese. The craters on the moon would give a way to see that it is possible to be a huge circular piece of American cheese. Whats cool about the moon is that you can see it almost 24-7 unlike the sun you can only see during the day.  I think it would be cool if one day researchers would find out how the moon really came into existence. Without the moons pressence i wonder if we would all die. Would not having the moon impact us in such  a way? The moon also goes through awesome stages. All depending upon the Earths position in rotation with the sun and the moon.

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