Monday, January 27, 2014


When i was a child, i got to witness a storm that scared the tar out of me. I was at my grandmothers house watching some tv show when all of the sudden i heard a huge wave of sirens echoeing down the street. The house i was in had no basement or any sort of protection. The tornado was on its way. Luckily my grandmother had a nieghbor who had been friends with for long time who had a basement in thier house. We decided to make our way over thier. When we got thier it was a terrifying moment for me. My uncle decided to look out the window and he said he could see trees and roof top shingles flying all through the air. This had probably been the absolute worst storm i had ever witnessed. Eventually the storm would pass. As everyone made thier way outside, we noticed cars flipped, trees that had thier roots pulled from the ground, and house pieces along with roof shingles everywhere. Thje feeling of relief began to come over me when i realised the fact that nobody was hurt and that our vehicle was still in the same spot and hadnt been touched. Storms are pretty sketchy events to deal with. When it comes down to it you must realize what to place in importance when surviving a tornado storm. First priority is everyone's life, second is your things. Never risk yourself in a storm for your items. You must think, survival first.

Whenever we coud finally watch the tv, we saw the tornado had massive deastruction.

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