Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Fear is such a weak emotion. Though we all experience it in our lives. I in all honestly believe that we can control the amount of fear we face in our lives. To conquer our fears we must face them up front. Fear can be categorized into different types. One for example, is a fear of a certain item or thing thats physical. Another is a fear within your mental self. Like being able to speak in front of a class, or just talking to someone about a certain problem you have. A really good way i feel we can manage our fears is to talk to others about what we fear. Maybe they have once feared what you have feared and may have insight on how to rid this certain fear. One fear i believe alot of us have is speaking out when your are told to believe something else. Sometimes its hard to go against majority but it must be done in order to keep balance between good and bad. The ultimate fear i believe we all share is death. Thats the fear that when we experience anything close to it our body physically faces the fear by producing adrenaline. Its your bodies way of trying to prevent severe harm. Fear can be good if used in the right context. Fear can push us to be great or to be terrified to the point it only worsens us. Sometimes we deal with fear the wrong way. We put it off and dont speak about it, or we try to run away from it till it starts to catch up with you again. Though fear is thought of as a bad emotion for thwe most part, it can have its moments. Fear must be dealt with when its in a negative sight.

                                               The ultimate fear i believe we all share is death.

Death is something we must all face. We can learn to deal with those who have past on, but how do we learn to deal with our death one day? Besides an increase in technology i believe that we will never really be able to conquer death. In other words be immortal. With my beliefs in God i believe that its all natural for us to pass away. Its completely unatural to conquer death. I believe we werent put here to survive. If we were, there wouldnt be death in the first place. As sad as it is all good things must come to an end. We may have our pleasuse now while we are here, but what about after death? This is a question alot of people have to face before they pass on, what happens to me, Where does my soul or mind travel? All my life ive been taught that we will all be judged by God when we die. He is the one who will allow us to ascend to heaven or to hell. I am also a very strong believer in that we dont have to earn our way into heaven. That to enter God's kingdom we must only ask forgiveness for our sins and try our best to live our lives in the reflection of how Jesus lived his life. God knows we are not perfect, thats why he gave us his one and only son Jesus, to die on the cross for our wrongs, so we can one day live in the kingdom of God. So basically what im saying is, I really belive with 100% of my heart that we can really conquer death. Not physically, but spiritually. Death should be a fear in a certain sense, but to worry about it is to take away the happiness of life.

                                                      Where does my soul or mind travel?

The soul travels many ploaces throughout a persons lifetime. It experiences pain at a high level as well as joy. With our decisions being led by the soul or mind, we determine how much of either we experience. It comes down to how optimistic you are about things and eventsd in your life as well as how negative. I have always tried my best to be positive and optimistic even when i am expirencing pain. Pain needs to be though as of temporary and it will pass. Unlike being optimistic\, we want positive thoughts and events in our life to stay. As sick as it sounds there are some people who vwant the pain and darkness to stay in thier lives. Growing up my parents always tried to get me to think on the brightside when i was going through a struggle or hard time. This concept has changed me to the person i am today. When darkness tempts me or tries to get me to lay down, i fight back with laughter and trying to make others laugh. This brings a positive and happy thought to me to make others happy. Could you imagine a world where everyone was with that set of mind.This would be one great place. This world has its ups and downs. Its how we deal with them that sets us apart and reflects who we really are. As long as i live the roots of my hapiness always starts with Jesus. Hes my reason to live. Without him i feel like i would be living without reason or purpose. I would just be another human being on planet earth. When it all comes down to it, I believe we were all made with purpose, no one person is made for nothing.


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