Monday, May 5, 2014


Assignment 13.1 - Research Topic Exploration

1.      Make a list of ten (10) things you are passionate about.
God, Shoes, Food, Weight lifting, Friends, Clothes, Animals, Acting, Humor, Music
2.      Choose three of things that you are passionate about and free-write about each one for five minutes each.  Shoes, Lifting weights, music

Shoes are very valuable in the aspect of fashion. My favorite shoes are Nikes. I always go all out on what shoes I wear. The most I have ever spent on shoes is 120$. The color of shoes I normally wear are grey, white, or black. Ive wore shoes since I cant even remember when. Its sad to think that so many people don’t have shoes to wear. Without them my feet would be torn up and swole. Shoes mean the most to me of all the things that I wear. Ive always thought it would be cool to design my own shoes one day.

Lifting Weights is one thing that I am most passionate about. Ive been lifting weights since the sixth grade. Weight  lifting is more like a lifestyle to me. With lifting weights comes eating healthier. Whats the point of working out if you are not going to eat right which is half the battle. What pushes me further than a lot of people is that I want to be the strongest human being alive. My inspirations are Arnold Schwartzenegar and Sylvester Stallone. I love the way it sculpts your body as well as it makes you feel great.

Music has been around in history for the longest time. Music can really set the mood for a lot of situations. It can help people get through hard times as well as something that can help relieve stress. Some music is better for certain people. I guess to each his own. One day I would love to write songs to make money. I would love to one day be on stage with thousands of people watching me and entertaining them. Music can be found almost anywhere. From advertisement to anywhere.

3.      After completing the warm up free-writing, choose one passion write your “what are you passionate about” statement here.  This should be a complete sentence.  For example, “I am passionate about education.” I am passionate about weight lifting.
4.      Choose five areas of study.  I have provided some examples here, but feel free to add some of your own.  An are of study is a class, or subject you might be required or choose to take in college. (Anthropology, Computer Science, Economics, Psychology, Sciences, Business, History, Communication/Media, Healthcare, Sociology, Art, Education, Criminal Justice, Ethics)
5.      Explore each of these areas of study, connected with your passion, by searching through academic databases and making note of keywords  and ideas/topics you could focus on for a research essay.  EBSCO is an excellent place to start, but I encourage you to look through all of the databases available on the OTC Library website as many are focused and will assist you in more easily researching specific topics.

Area of Study
Search Notes/Keywords
EXAMPLE – Criminal Justice
Connected to my area of study I might look into how education in penal institutions do, or do not, allow inmates to increase their knowledge or create for themselves better lives when they return to society.  This connects my passion for education with criminal justice.  I started with the keywords “criminal justice and education” and did not quite find what I was looking for.  It was talking about the field not about inmates.  I then tried “inmates and education” and found some interesting sources.  “crime and education,” “prison schools,” were good as well.
1. Lifetime Wellness

 This class teaches you how to accumulate exercise along with living a healthy lifestyle to benefit you. This area of study could come really handy to a weight lifter.Lifetime wellness also shows you a healthy reason for eating the right foods.

How many grams of sugar you should take in daily.

How many calories you should take in for your body frame.

2. Biology

 Biology goes in depth with how proteins and amino acids work to help rebuild your muscles and how those to are made and replaced. Which is a big part of how your body grows. The more sophisticated way of how your body works.
3. World Religions

This area of study can show us how your beliefs can affect your everyday life. Your morals and life goals can be stagnant in how much you exercise your body. Body, spirit, mind and soul can come hand in hand. Some may not place self importance when it comes to thier physical bodies
4. Algebra

This area of study can help you know the math behind what your are doing. Tell you how much pressure and force your exerting during a certain lift. can help you break down percentages in your max weight you can lift.
5.Physical Therapy

This area of study deals with the fixing and rebuilding of muscle and the body in general. Rehab is used within this to help build back the body to its close to original state. Body builders such as myself could take advantage of having knowledge within this field. The body can be hurt by improper forms of weight lifting.

4.  Create five working research questions – one from each of the five areas of studied you have just explored.  Each question must reveal a connection to your passion.  Invest yourself in your topics.

EXAMPLE – How does college academic programs in state prisons allow inmates to succeed after being released?  (Note here that there are many possible answers to this question.  A research question allows me to be open to ideas.  If I begin with a thesis statement, my research can become too focused and close minded.)
1.What types of food should be consumed for a constant weight lifter dailey?

2. How does the rebuilding of muscle occur after being broken down in the process of weight lifting?

3. How does your soul, spirit, mind, and body respond with one another? Does your body and physique affect another part of you?

4. How much pressure is being exerted on a person with a 200 lb bar?

5. What is the best and most efficient way to recover from a sprained ankle? 

Which question is best?
What is the best and most efficient way to recover from a sprained ankle?
Question 1. Eating is just as important as working out itself. There is a food pyramid i saw that shows you the amounts of certain types of food you should take in daily. Fruits, meats, veggies, dairy. Some you should take in more than others. Whats the point of working out if you are going to go home and eat crap? Your body needs certain foods to support the breaking down of your body.
Question 2. Building muscle and recovering from your last workout can take up to 24 hours depending on how much sleep you get and what you eat prior and after your workout. After I workout it usually take me a day to recover. I dont start feeling the soreness till a couple hours after i have worked out. Your body gets the most recovery done in your sleep so its important to get sleep from a range of 8 to 10 hours nightly.
Question 3. Your soul,body, mind all come together to make you who you are. Without one of these three aspects, you can lesson the want and desire to keep working out. Sometimes you can overcome missing one of these aspects. Religion is sometimes what get people up to live everyday and inspires them to be great and glorify God in some certain way.
Question 4. Algebra along with mathematics in general can help you understand what amount of weight you need to be lifting and how many reps you do of that certain weight. Math helps you see certain aspects in weight lifting you thought you never see. Knowing all this can really help you in the long run.
Question 5. Through working out, you will eventually find yourself with a sprain or a pulled muscle. Knowing a little bit about how your body heals can help you heal faster. There are ways in which one can gradually heal from the injury.  Physical therapy deals with this and more. It also deals with broken parts and other aspects of the body. This is really interesting to me because this is my career I want to pursue. I would start out being an assistant but could possibly make and run my own business. It takes a decent amount of schooling but is totally worth it if it is in your interest. Has a good starting salary and goes up as the years go by. 
1.      Review some of the research material you have found and free-write five minutes on each one of your working research questions.  Choose the topic that generates the most information and interest for you the writer.
2.      Which working question did you choose and why? Physical therapy because that is the career i am wanting to pursue and means the most to me. What types of sources would you look for to research this topic? I know a guy who runs his own building as a Physical therapist. I could get alot of information from him as well as articles online. Where would you begin? I would began by asking myself question that come up when thinking on this topic and make sure those questions get answered. I could ask the physical therapist how many years exactly he went to school for example. Justify your answer and be specific. 
3.      Write a possible thesis statement that answers your research question. 

x Recently I have learned that I am really interested in body building. With my interest in body building, I have done research on jobs that closely relate to body building. The three reasons physical therapy goes along with wieght training is, that they both deal with the breaking down of the body, both have to do with rehabilitating the body, and they both have to do with taking care of yourself.  


Wednesday, April 9, 2014

32 Day Challenge

4/9/2014         Hi, my name is Blake Bishop and i am starting the 32 day challenge. My challenge is to get in better shape and start eating healthier.

4/10/14 Today I started my challenge with getting more sleep. I worked out my chest and arms.

4/11/2014 Today I ran on the treadmill for 30 minuets.

4/12/2014 Today I ate more fruit than usual and I lifted chest and arms today.

4/13/2014 Today I fell off a little bit and ate some fast food. Also i wasn't able to make it to the fitness center because of how busy I was.

4/14/2014 Today I started the day off with eating a banana and a piece of toast. Good breakfast to start the day. I got most of my exercise at work.


My Place

This place, how can i describe it? The magical feelings you get when Friday night rolls around. The lights are all turned on.

Friday, April 4, 2014

My thoughts on this new company are bad. First off, they are overcharging. Second they are saying that they will prevent plagiarism. I think eventually one of these workers will drop the ball and screw up. They will end up getting sued. And what happens if the student gets in trouble for the plagiarism? Some schools will kick the student out permanently. Its all to risky in my opinion. Is it worth the risk and all that money your spending. It says its helpful to the students who are stressed for time. The one thing I thought was beneficial was the fact that people with a native tongue that don't speak or right in English well, this helps them learn how to be literate in English. I do wish that there were more stats given as to how many people are using this and what percentage rated this program. Overall i think that this program should be made for lazy people more than people that are crammed with work. I do not like the fact that it says take home essays can be u unnecessary. They totally are, this helps a person not only as a writer, but also as a reader. Technology should only go so far to help in school. Over stepping its boundaries can make us lazy. Eventually we will not even have to think for ourselves.

Monday, March 31, 2014

Monday Morning

On a Monday morning I was walking to work, which was a secret to those who didn't know, when out of no where this little pigeon smacks me in the face. I couldn't tell why it did this. I finally realized that the bird wanted the bagel i was eating for my breakfast. I got back up and fed the bird a pinch off of my bagel. Which smelled so good. The taste was amazing, which was blueberry. I realized i was missing something. My suitcase! . The pigeon highjacked my suitcase and was pressing things he shouldn't had. He had launched a missile that was headed for Russia! I snatched my  suitcase from it and used the jet pack to launch myself into the dry, humid, air. I was determined to stop the missile. While i was on my way up the bird came after me. I knew what he wanted. He wanted the bagel. I grabbed the moist bagel and threw it down. The pigeon had followed. I pressed the tiny missile launch from my suitcase and destroyed the missile. The explosion was very bright and hurt my eyes. with a loud roar of explosion that made my ears bleed.I slowly gravitated back towards earth. I had saved the day. What a crazy way to spend my Monday morning. If Monday was this crazy i couldn't imagine how crazy this week was going to be for me. Who knew what was going to be in store? The bird had got what he wanted. He went through all of this just for a lousy bagel. Note to self, don't ever not give a bird what it wants. Especially on Monday. Never expected any of this to happen.

Friday, March 28, 2014

The Moon

The moon is up in the sky. Such a vital component of the earth. Without its light, we would not be able to see at night. all that would be would be pitch black. The moon has been reached by man before. The first landing on the moon happened along time ago. Every astronauts dream is to reach another sort of land outside that of Earths. I personally would be afraid to leave earths atmosphere because of the risks that it may have to you living and seeing earth again. I believe people who can and are willing to make these kinds of trips are heroes because of the risks they are trying to take just for the knowledge of man. The moon has been used in history to help tell time. A lot of people have worshiped this huge glowing orb as if it was some sort of God. It is a really fascinating thing if you think about it. One question i had always wondered, is the moon really made of cheese. The craters on the moon would give a way to see that it is possible to be a huge circular piece of American cheese. Whats cool about the moon is that you can see it almost 24-7 unlike the sun you can only see during the day.  I think it would be cool if one day researchers would find out how the moon really came into existence. Without the moons pressence i wonder if we would all die. Would not having the moon impact us in such  a way? The moon also goes through awesome stages. All depending upon the Earths position in rotation with the sun and the moon.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014


This weekend I, myself, made my favorite drink of all time. This drink takes me way back. This drink is called, Kool-Aid. I can remember the first time i had ever took a sip of this magnificent beverage. My love for Kool-Aid started when i was around three or four years old. I was at the park with my aunt, grandmother, and mom, having a fun Summer day of play. Within a couple of minuets of play, I had gotten really thirsty. I told my aunt this, and that's when my love for Kool-Aid all began. She pulled this little plastic bottle with a purple liquid out of her icy cooler. I took one sip of that drink and realized i had been missing out my whole life! Which was only three or four years but still. Through out the years i never really stopped drinking it. Even to this day I still drink this one in a kind drink. I have to give my grandma credit for never letting me go to her house and not ever having Kool-Aid available for me to drink. She is the one who kept this drink in my life for so long. Every time I would go to her house she would make me my favorite flavor of Kool-Aid, which has always been grape. Here i am now, older, more grown up, I can make my own Kool-Aid. And no, i am not talking about the kind of Kool-Aid you hear about at parties. I guarantee you i make the best Kool-Aid you would ever have your taste buds taste. Whenever i drink my Kool-Aid, the nostalgia and memories kick in of me at the park where i had learned about this drink. Let me explain to you how i make this drink so good. First, I gather together a pitcher,a giant spoon, a pack of Kool-Aid, preferably grape, and a nearby sink. I start with filling the pitcher up with lukewarm water. This step is important because if you mix the powder with cold water the Kool-Aid mix wont mix as easy because the cold isn't allowing the powder particles to move as freely, thus not as good tasting Kool-Aid. So make sure the water is lukewarm. Second, you put the powder into the pitcher of lukewarm water. When your pouring the powder, make sure you do it in a circular motion. This helps make the Kool-Aid seem more special. Its more of a traditional kind of thing. Next, you stir the water and powder together with that giant spoon i told you to get. When your mixing the Kool-Aid, try to do it in a rhythm. This magically make the Kool-Aid, taste and smell better. Now, you are ready to enjoy. Pour the Kool-Aid into a glass and drink it slowly. If you enjoy it cold make sure you add some ice. If you are to lazy to go through all of my steps, you can just go to the nearest Wal-Mart and by the plastic bottled kind.

Monday, March 24, 2014

I will never do that again

I will never again try to eat McDonald's three times in one day. About one year ago i wanted to experiment eating McDonalds three times in one day after previously seeing the movie, Super Size Me. The first meal was delicious and fine but the second meal is where i started feeling really bloated and my stomach was starting to feel upset. The last meal is where it the downward slope hit rock bottom. I started feeling really sick to my stomach and started regurgitating all that trash. This process lasted about thirty minuets before it was all said and done. After all that clearing of food from my stomach, I was to safe to say i had never felt more relieved in my entire life. I wanted to seriously call the restaurant and complain, but i knew it weas all my fault for trying this dangerous experiment. I felt super weak. I will never try to eat McDonalds three times in one day again. I would never suggest anyone ever try this.

This woman i saw had a lighter colored hair. She walked on four legs and never hesitated to kiss me. Yes, this woman was crazy. She smelt fine after she had bathed. Which made her hair look darker after the fact. She would love to play Frisbee with her friends her hair would always reflect the sunlight when it would hit. She was a yellow Labrador retriever.

The child throws fits when she doesn't get what she wants.  She will make this high pitched squeal that would burst your ear drums if she was within five feet of you. She would start throwing things at objects that would break in the process. She would flicker on the light switch which would hurt my eyes when she was angry because someone had made her upset. She would hit me with a huge fist when i would least expect it.

Monday, March 17, 2014


The image on the screen has three animals on it. The animals appear to be some type of reptile. All with different coloring patterns and designs. They all appear to be sitting around a little feather that is blue with white splotches on it. The lizards are all laying on a piece of blanket or something of that sort with a red and rainbow colored stripes going down the side.  It reminds me of a country or place that is tropical. More leaning towards Mexico or something. The reptiles nails are all odd.

My Dreams

A place that always comforts me and i find peace is a place Ive been before. Not in this reality, but in my subconscious mind. I once dreamed i had made it into heaven. I started out on Earth when i was all of the sudden raptured up into the sky. My soul had found heaven. Everything was peaceful. I could hear children laughing and animals making thier God given sounds. The air was still yet calming. I walked amongst angels that would know me by name and by spirit. The city of God was all golden. A river was flowing of gold coloring through the middle of the city from Gods throne.

I can see angels flying and angels down on their knees worshiping. I see a baby lamb walking with a giant lion through a fresh, clean,colorful open field. As i walk i see the grass and flowers which i had stepped on spring immediately back to life. My vision is greatly improved with all of my senses. I see a golden river flowing. It is golden yet clear at the same time.

I smell nature and beauty as it was really designed to be. I can smell the fruit and food prepared for us to eat. I can smell a fresh smell of air that Ive never smelt before. I can smell the wonderful flowers in a garden from a mile away.

I can touch the soft fur of a lion as he walks beside me. I can touch the water which is the perfect temperature. I can not feel walls as i can walk through them with harm to myself.I can touch the soft texture of the fruit i eat. The peaches and pears feel really squishy. Perfect to eat.

I hear the laughter of angels and the sounds of animals as i walk through the windless city. I hear the harps and wonderful music being played my angels that are worshiping God. I hear talk of wise men and conversation.I hear birds chirp. I hear a constant relaxing humming that doesn't ever seem to end. The most relaxing hum ive ever heard.

I taste the juicy, tropical fruit run through my mouth along with the purest water in which i drink. I can literally taste the airs freshness. Everything tasted so clean.

The story of this place makes it all the better. This place was made for the followers of Jesus. Those who believed in him in their mortal lives found the peace and were able to inherit the kingdom of God. This place was made to last forever. There will be no deaths when in this heaven. No sickness, no crime, nothing bad.This place was made and was planned out around a couple thousand years ago if my research is correct. This place is the beginning of eternity. Not the end.This place was made so that a lamb could walk with a lion. Which is the perfect vision of peace. I had walked in from a long days work. Went straight to bed and had passed out. My dream had started. The place my dream had taken place was in the description i recently had was already described. God had came and raptured the church and we were to live in this wonderful place forever. My sense were enhanced. Everything was better. All this was for eternity. I was walking with an angel down to garden of fruit. There we ate for hours… So delicious. We ate fruit I had never even seen before. It was a pretty cool concept. I ate but was never hungry. The cool thing was that I would never gain weight. When it came to what I drank, it would all come from the golden flowing river down the middle of the city.To get to this river I wouldn’t have to walk around things. I could fly. What was even cooler was that I could fly through walls. There was endless possibility. When it came to where I live, you would be amazed. The mansion God had prepared for me was four stories and filled with amazing things I couldn’t even describe. The mansion was made of gold as well. Everyone wore the same thing. All white robes. Which were as beautiful as can be. Everything smelled so fresh. I could even smell fresh flowers from miles away. My senses were enhanced greatly. Forgot to mention my new body I was given. I was seven foot tall and had wings which were made to help me be able to fly.I’m really hoping this place one day becomes a reality for me.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Hells and Heavens

This week i have experienced many hells and heavens. My hells have mainly came from school. Mostly just the exams though. I also had hells at my work trying to do that and study for those exams. My heavens sadly, mostly comes from food. The food has gave me pleasure and relief and has helped me deal with all the hells or pressure. My goal is to try to eliminate the hells as much as i can. Some of them i cant help but others i can. For instance the procrastination i put on myself by waiting the last minuet to see a play i was required to see. Though enjoyed the play, i was super busy. After the play came the six page essay i had to write on top of seeing the play. Which took me a total of five to six hours. It had to be perfect. In life you are going to experince hells.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Our Word Dictionary

One insane night I was dreaming that i was on my grind.I was making my way to the top as this ill rapper. My skills were good but at the same time a bit wonky. I was in it for the fame and all that gobbly goop along with the money. I had to help my fam that needed money. At times they were knackered just to be able to feed my siblings. I had finally made it to the top. Jimney cricket i was rolling in green. This man had asked me if i wanted to invest some of my money to a new shoe label. Shnap! i was definatley going to invest. They asked me if i could be the face of their company. Who????! I would say. That was the dumbest questions i had ever heard. As long as i could keep the shoes i wear along with my own personal fungo.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Traits Of People

I know a man who fits all the characteristics of the ones i found today. He has a brown beard, long hair, and is muscular under all his fat. This man is somewhat tall and has a short worker who works for him in making attractive duck calls. He would have ugly hair if it was spiky hair. He is fully focused on his duck call business. He is fully supportive of the bible. He never wears a white coat and couldn't probably fit in one because hes the complete opposite of being skinny, he is fat. He wears orange while on an organized hunt. He seems really jolly when he is in a good mood, polite for the world to see. He has never been portrayed as a geek, but more as a sassy man. He looks intimidating and scary if you didnt know him, and seems to be rarely worried because of his beliefs in faith. Who is this man..... Of course Duck Dynasty's own, Phil Robertson. We can all come to agreement that all these physical and personality traits fit him pretty well cant we! And that is a fact Jack!!!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Play- Doh

Growing up i had alot of fun with this doughy substance called playdoh. I used to make alot of things, such as, cats,dog,or just any kind of animal that i could think of that was fairly simple. My favorite color was always blue. I would always have a tough time not getting the play doh mixed up and mixing the colors together. Play doh was a cheap way to entertain kids and help bring out thier imagination. The first step to buildong everything was to roll the playdoh into a perfectly round ball. though that step was hard at times. Sometimes when we would begin creating, we would use tools that would help us shape the playdoh. You could even use a cookie cutter for an outline of some sort. I as a kid was always tempted to try eating playdoh. The smell of it just really got to me, as well as the txture. One thing that always annoyed me was how it would always dry out and harden. I never realized that it had to be stored in a cool environment. Looking at the playdog now i realize that it is non-toxic. The container says it clearly on the side. The use of your imagination is endless with playdoh. It was pretty irritating when you would run out of playdoh to build with. You needed at least two containers to build a legit creation. One thing was for sure, if it wasnt fingerpaint, it was playdoh. I never realized that playdoh was a product of hasbro.

Silica Gel
This is an item that really catches my interest. Ive seen this chemical used in multiple ways. Im not sure exactly how it works though. I know its used to help preserve things, like beef jerkey, or moist products. On the package it says, do not eat and throw away. I am curious as to what would happen if you ate this little packet of gel. It feels like there are just a whole bunch of little balls in a bag. Maybe the balls are the gel? I am curious as to how these are made. What substances are put into the little balls. Maybe would open up ideas for a paper i might right in the future. This item is sort of hard to typ about. I am curious as to what others uses this item might be used for. The word desiccant is also on the little white package. I need to learn what that word is. Maybe that could help me understand the product better. I see this product in shoes sometimes as well, maybe it helps shoes have that fresh smell longer. I hope that when i get the free time i may be able to look up all this information on google. Ive never ripped the bag open to see what the calls look like, i may have to give that a try sometime. I wonder if eating the gel will make you ill or kill you. Seems like important information to know.

i phone

The creation of the iphone has to be one of the greatest creations of all times. It connects all of us through email, social media, texting, etc. I have so much information of me on this phone that its rediculous. I really do belive that people are on thier iphones way to much tho. I feel like everyone is never open to talk to because they shield thereselves with thier iphone. Its like an invisible wall. Besides that, you can play games, watches television, and even talk to somebody face to face. The iphone can also allow you to use the internet browser! Its all the gadgets ever needed put into one device. The most frequent used device on the iphone i use regularly is the clock. It tells me what time it is, as well as the date. You can customize the iphone background however you want. Customization is what i belive makes the iphone so great. You have more freedom with that aspect then you do with any other kind of phone or device.Now the iphone has an app that can even let you check your bank account and statements. With the new addition of siri, You casn even talk to your iphone and it wil talk back! Like your personal friend. One thing that i personally find really useful is the camera that is on the iphone. I can capture life moments and keep them forever.

Free Write For This I Believe Essay (Credo)

My approach to life is simple in thought but complex when it comes down to carrying out how to approach it. Prioritizing whats important can really help you become successful and happy with the life you live. Ive always prioritized my life according to a certain list. The list goes as, my religion, my family, my school, and then whatever my hobby has been. Which has changed a lot throughout the years. Keeping these aspects in life can really help you make life easier and help you approach life with a handle. While i have these prioritized in my daily life, i always try to be positive and happy, even when negative and bad is taking place. I believe we can overcome negativity if we really try. With being optimistic not only can we affect our own lives drastically but affect others as well. We can live our lives as a model for others who are going through a problem or tough time and be an example of how to overcome. The statement smiles are contagious is so true.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Work. I chose to type about work for many reasons. Work not only teches us life lessons such as about being on time, but also teches us good character and morals. As well as all of that good stuff, you also get paid. What is better than a payday???! Through work you can even develope something that lasts a long time. Such as relationships with co- workers. Hey, you never know, you might just meet your best friend at work. One thing i can always look forward to in work is the breaks as well as lunch. I love eating, so whenever i can i will eat like a cow who hasnt been properly fed by his farmer. Work goes along with alot of other important subjects placed in your life. Work can be categorized with school, you do alot of hardwork to keep up your grades. With believinbg in God, i know im must work on my relaionship with him everyday im alive. Whats interesting about my work is that i work with my mother. Shes the one who hooked me up with my job. It comes in handy sometimes to know the right people. I know a lot of people dread going to work and dont like thier boss and co- workers. I love mine. They make me feel like im family. They have really brought me in. Though it is tough sometimes to manage both school and work, i know at the end of the day that im a hardworker and the feeling of completion leaves me satisfied. One thing i will teach my children if i ever have any is to be a hard worker. If you want something in life strive for it and make your dreams a reality. We must keep the working class ambitious, as soon as we as workers lose ambition to work, we will all lower our life.

Friday, January 31, 2014

What if.....

My dog is really a cat in disguise

I was really adopted and my parents never told me

I had powers and went my whole life not knowing them

I was rich, and could afford anything this world has to offer

I was a famous singer

I had never thought about what ifs

I was negative all the time intead of being optimistic and happy

I never met any of my friends that i have

I never ended up going to prom

I was killed at an earlier age? How would it affect my parents

I was so strong that i could pick up cars and throw them like a baseball

I was a girl

I would have never played any sports

I Would never have met God

If i was a girl, I feel like i would be a really pretty woman. I wouldnt be the type of girl that would want to flirt with guys or [plays with barbie dolls. I would be a girl who likes being dangerous and loves to be involved in physical activity like sports. Mainly softball and basketball. I would have tons more friends i feel like and i would be affended if any boy was ever to ditch me. I would still believe in My God and still do alot of things i do now, just how a girl would do them. Though i wouldnt be a pretty princess kind of girl, I would still try to look pretty enough to grab a guys attention. I would never let a guy cheat on me without getting smacked really hard. I cant get to vulgar here. I would do my best to stay fit which would come through sports, not ever allowing myself to get over weight. I would be at the mall most saturdays and buy and shop alot more than i do now. My hobbies would change up some.I would try my best to be as popular as i can and never let nobody bring me down. When someone would try i would completely tell them off. I feel like i would own more cats than dogs for some strange reason. Cats seem more feminine to me than dogs for the most part. My music i would listen to would have to be J.B. or maybe a little One Direction. My shoes would still stay Jordans and i would wear mainly shorts and a tee shirt. And if a guy askedme to prom, i would go

What if i had rabies? I would foam at the mouth, and i would isolate myself from the world. I would be tempted to bite people to give them rabies. So i would honestly first check in with the doctor and see if he hasd any cure for the rabies. I would try my best to live and see my friends and family for as long as i can before i met death. After i found out i had rabies i would eat as much junk food as possible so that i can end my life with a full feeling. I would in all seriousness pray to God, that either A, he healed me, or B, when i die he takes my soul with him to his kingdom. I know there are for a fact, no rabies up in heaven. I would bring a bag with me wherever i went so that the foam doesnt get all over other people. I would find whoever game me the rabies and destroy them.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Fear is such a weak emotion. Though we all experience it in our lives. I in all honestly believe that we can control the amount of fear we face in our lives. To conquer our fears we must face them up front. Fear can be categorized into different types. One for example, is a fear of a certain item or thing thats physical. Another is a fear within your mental self. Like being able to speak in front of a class, or just talking to someone about a certain problem you have. A really good way i feel we can manage our fears is to talk to others about what we fear. Maybe they have once feared what you have feared and may have insight on how to rid this certain fear. One fear i believe alot of us have is speaking out when your are told to believe something else. Sometimes its hard to go against majority but it must be done in order to keep balance between good and bad. The ultimate fear i believe we all share is death. Thats the fear that when we experience anything close to it our body physically faces the fear by producing adrenaline. Its your bodies way of trying to prevent severe harm. Fear can be good if used in the right context. Fear can push us to be great or to be terrified to the point it only worsens us. Sometimes we deal with fear the wrong way. We put it off and dont speak about it, or we try to run away from it till it starts to catch up with you again. Though fear is thought of as a bad emotion for thwe most part, it can have its moments. Fear must be dealt with when its in a negative sight.

                                               The ultimate fear i believe we all share is death.

Death is something we must all face. We can learn to deal with those who have past on, but how do we learn to deal with our death one day? Besides an increase in technology i believe that we will never really be able to conquer death. In other words be immortal. With my beliefs in God i believe that its all natural for us to pass away. Its completely unatural to conquer death. I believe we werent put here to survive. If we were, there wouldnt be death in the first place. As sad as it is all good things must come to an end. We may have our pleasuse now while we are here, but what about after death? This is a question alot of people have to face before they pass on, what happens to me, Where does my soul or mind travel? All my life ive been taught that we will all be judged by God when we die. He is the one who will allow us to ascend to heaven or to hell. I am also a very strong believer in that we dont have to earn our way into heaven. That to enter God's kingdom we must only ask forgiveness for our sins and try our best to live our lives in the reflection of how Jesus lived his life. God knows we are not perfect, thats why he gave us his one and only son Jesus, to die on the cross for our wrongs, so we can one day live in the kingdom of God. So basically what im saying is, I really belive with 100% of my heart that we can really conquer death. Not physically, but spiritually. Death should be a fear in a certain sense, but to worry about it is to take away the happiness of life.

                                                      Where does my soul or mind travel?

The soul travels many ploaces throughout a persons lifetime. It experiences pain at a high level as well as joy. With our decisions being led by the soul or mind, we determine how much of either we experience. It comes down to how optimistic you are about things and eventsd in your life as well as how negative. I have always tried my best to be positive and optimistic even when i am expirencing pain. Pain needs to be though as of temporary and it will pass. Unlike being optimistic\, we want positive thoughts and events in our life to stay. As sick as it sounds there are some people who vwant the pain and darkness to stay in thier lives. Growing up my parents always tried to get me to think on the brightside when i was going through a struggle or hard time. This concept has changed me to the person i am today. When darkness tempts me or tries to get me to lay down, i fight back with laughter and trying to make others laugh. This brings a positive and happy thought to me to make others happy. Could you imagine a world where everyone was with that set of mind.This would be one great place. This world has its ups and downs. Its how we deal with them that sets us apart and reflects who we really are. As long as i live the roots of my hapiness always starts with Jesus. Hes my reason to live. Without him i feel like i would be living without reason or purpose. I would just be another human being on planet earth. When it all comes down to it, I believe we were all made with purpose, no one person is made for nothing.


Monday, January 27, 2014

The one topic i found really interesting you put on your territories list was church. I am also a believer and witness of Jesus Christ and the holy trinity. I have been brought up a baptist christian. I honestly havent been to church in awhile.though i really feel i need to go back again soon. God has helped me amnd got me through a lot in my life. Im really interested in reading your thoughts on him. My strongest belief is that we can do anything through Christ who strengthens me. Ive always wanted to do something for God. Like write music or make songs representing him. Even though life is hard being a christian we still have to be positive and keep a smile on our face for as long as we can through the good times and the bad. I would likke to ask you sometime what church you go to. What are your exact beliefs?


When i was a child, i got to witness a storm that scared the tar out of me. I was at my grandmothers house watching some tv show when all of the sudden i heard a huge wave of sirens echoeing down the street. The house i was in had no basement or any sort of protection. The tornado was on its way. Luckily my grandmother had a nieghbor who had been friends with for long time who had a basement in thier house. We decided to make our way over thier. When we got thier it was a terrifying moment for me. My uncle decided to look out the window and he said he could see trees and roof top shingles flying all through the air. This had probably been the absolute worst storm i had ever witnessed. Eventually the storm would pass. As everyone made thier way outside, we noticed cars flipped, trees that had thier roots pulled from the ground, and house pieces along with roof shingles everywhere. Thje feeling of relief began to come over me when i realised the fact that nobody was hurt and that our vehicle was still in the same spot and hadnt been touched. Storms are pretty sketchy events to deal with. When it comes down to it you must realize what to place in importance when surviving a tornado storm. First priority is everyone's life, second is your things. Never risk yourself in a storm for your items. You must think, survival first.

Whenever we coud finally watch the tv, we saw the tornado had massive deastruction.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Reflection Post

Taking this Human Jung Typology test, I have learned some very interesting things that i agreed and sorta disagreed with. My test results showed me as an ESTJ. The test also showed that i was one percent extrovert, one percent thinking, one percent judging, and twelve percent sensing. I agree with all the results except the result of being one percent extrovert. I have always seen myself as being more introverted. Knowing that I am twelve percent sensing will help me in college. I know from reading the details that i am big on thriving on order and continuity.Also that ESTJ types believe that prestige and power should be worked for and earned. Along with ESTJs placing importance on good service. I totally see this!!! This is a big trait that i believe will help with my college writing. The test is actually a really cool idea. I agree with some of the results so i think it did a good job on knowing my traits and results. Knowing all this will totally assist me in my college career.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Linken Log

A linken log is the joy of a lot of children. Growing up i played with them as well as a bunch of other children did. How can some little piece of wood cause so much joy and help grow a childs imagination? I was always limited to what i could build when playing as a young child because the amount of linken logs i had were very small. My favorite thing to build with linken logs was always houses. I used to get my GI Joe and put it in the house pretending that it was his house. When all was said amd done i would always get so much joy knocking down the house i would spend a total of ten minuets making. I sometimes wonder who came up with such a simple, yet brilliant idea of a toy. I have always been more of a legos fan but hey, linkn logs were easier to access in my house. I always remember loving the smell of the linken logs. As wierd as a little kid i was i would always smell them. The only annoying thing i could remember about playuing with linken logs was sometimes i couldnt find the right piece to lay across amother bigger or sdmaller piece. Sometimes we need to go back to our childhoood and realize how the simple things always held our attention. Just to think thast the famous linken log was just a little chunk of wood makes me laugh. I wish we could have a class period one day designated to building something and being able to show that something off. My mind is trying to find things to write on about this simple piece of wood but it is getting difficult. i hope that one day me and linken logs will cross paths again so i could enjoy them for one last time.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014