Friday, January 31, 2014

What if.....

My dog is really a cat in disguise

I was really adopted and my parents never told me

I had powers and went my whole life not knowing them

I was rich, and could afford anything this world has to offer

I was a famous singer

I had never thought about what ifs

I was negative all the time intead of being optimistic and happy

I never met any of my friends that i have

I never ended up going to prom

I was killed at an earlier age? How would it affect my parents

I was so strong that i could pick up cars and throw them like a baseball

I was a girl

I would have never played any sports

I Would never have met God

If i was a girl, I feel like i would be a really pretty woman. I wouldnt be the type of girl that would want to flirt with guys or [plays with barbie dolls. I would be a girl who likes being dangerous and loves to be involved in physical activity like sports. Mainly softball and basketball. I would have tons more friends i feel like and i would be affended if any boy was ever to ditch me. I would still believe in My God and still do alot of things i do now, just how a girl would do them. Though i wouldnt be a pretty princess kind of girl, I would still try to look pretty enough to grab a guys attention. I would never let a guy cheat on me without getting smacked really hard. I cant get to vulgar here. I would do my best to stay fit which would come through sports, not ever allowing myself to get over weight. I would be at the mall most saturdays and buy and shop alot more than i do now. My hobbies would change up some.I would try my best to be as popular as i can and never let nobody bring me down. When someone would try i would completely tell them off. I feel like i would own more cats than dogs for some strange reason. Cats seem more feminine to me than dogs for the most part. My music i would listen to would have to be J.B. or maybe a little One Direction. My shoes would still stay Jordans and i would wear mainly shorts and a tee shirt. And if a guy askedme to prom, i would go

What if i had rabies? I would foam at the mouth, and i would isolate myself from the world. I would be tempted to bite people to give them rabies. So i would honestly first check in with the doctor and see if he hasd any cure for the rabies. I would try my best to live and see my friends and family for as long as i can before i met death. After i found out i had rabies i would eat as much junk food as possible so that i can end my life with a full feeling. I would in all seriousness pray to God, that either A, he healed me, or B, when i die he takes my soul with him to his kingdom. I know there are for a fact, no rabies up in heaven. I would bring a bag with me wherever i went so that the foam doesnt get all over other people. I would find whoever game me the rabies and destroy them.

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