Monday, May 5, 2014


Assignment 13.1 - Research Topic Exploration

1.      Make a list of ten (10) things you are passionate about.
God, Shoes, Food, Weight lifting, Friends, Clothes, Animals, Acting, Humor, Music
2.      Choose three of things that you are passionate about and free-write about each one for five minutes each.  Shoes, Lifting weights, music

Shoes are very valuable in the aspect of fashion. My favorite shoes are Nikes. I always go all out on what shoes I wear. The most I have ever spent on shoes is 120$. The color of shoes I normally wear are grey, white, or black. Ive wore shoes since I cant even remember when. Its sad to think that so many people don’t have shoes to wear. Without them my feet would be torn up and swole. Shoes mean the most to me of all the things that I wear. Ive always thought it would be cool to design my own shoes one day.

Lifting Weights is one thing that I am most passionate about. Ive been lifting weights since the sixth grade. Weight  lifting is more like a lifestyle to me. With lifting weights comes eating healthier. Whats the point of working out if you are not going to eat right which is half the battle. What pushes me further than a lot of people is that I want to be the strongest human being alive. My inspirations are Arnold Schwartzenegar and Sylvester Stallone. I love the way it sculpts your body as well as it makes you feel great.

Music has been around in history for the longest time. Music can really set the mood for a lot of situations. It can help people get through hard times as well as something that can help relieve stress. Some music is better for certain people. I guess to each his own. One day I would love to write songs to make money. I would love to one day be on stage with thousands of people watching me and entertaining them. Music can be found almost anywhere. From advertisement to anywhere.

3.      After completing the warm up free-writing, choose one passion write your “what are you passionate about” statement here.  This should be a complete sentence.  For example, “I am passionate about education.” I am passionate about weight lifting.
4.      Choose five areas of study.  I have provided some examples here, but feel free to add some of your own.  An are of study is a class, or subject you might be required or choose to take in college. (Anthropology, Computer Science, Economics, Psychology, Sciences, Business, History, Communication/Media, Healthcare, Sociology, Art, Education, Criminal Justice, Ethics)
5.      Explore each of these areas of study, connected with your passion, by searching through academic databases and making note of keywords  and ideas/topics you could focus on for a research essay.  EBSCO is an excellent place to start, but I encourage you to look through all of the databases available on the OTC Library website as many are focused and will assist you in more easily researching specific topics.

Area of Study
Search Notes/Keywords
EXAMPLE – Criminal Justice
Connected to my area of study I might look into how education in penal institutions do, or do not, allow inmates to increase their knowledge or create for themselves better lives when they return to society.  This connects my passion for education with criminal justice.  I started with the keywords “criminal justice and education” and did not quite find what I was looking for.  It was talking about the field not about inmates.  I then tried “inmates and education” and found some interesting sources.  “crime and education,” “prison schools,” were good as well.
1. Lifetime Wellness

 This class teaches you how to accumulate exercise along with living a healthy lifestyle to benefit you. This area of study could come really handy to a weight lifter.Lifetime wellness also shows you a healthy reason for eating the right foods.

How many grams of sugar you should take in daily.

How many calories you should take in for your body frame.

2. Biology

 Biology goes in depth with how proteins and amino acids work to help rebuild your muscles and how those to are made and replaced. Which is a big part of how your body grows. The more sophisticated way of how your body works.
3. World Religions

This area of study can show us how your beliefs can affect your everyday life. Your morals and life goals can be stagnant in how much you exercise your body. Body, spirit, mind and soul can come hand in hand. Some may not place self importance when it comes to thier physical bodies
4. Algebra

This area of study can help you know the math behind what your are doing. Tell you how much pressure and force your exerting during a certain lift. can help you break down percentages in your max weight you can lift.
5.Physical Therapy

This area of study deals with the fixing and rebuilding of muscle and the body in general. Rehab is used within this to help build back the body to its close to original state. Body builders such as myself could take advantage of having knowledge within this field. The body can be hurt by improper forms of weight lifting.

4.  Create five working research questions – one from each of the five areas of studied you have just explored.  Each question must reveal a connection to your passion.  Invest yourself in your topics.

EXAMPLE – How does college academic programs in state prisons allow inmates to succeed after being released?  (Note here that there are many possible answers to this question.  A research question allows me to be open to ideas.  If I begin with a thesis statement, my research can become too focused and close minded.)
1.What types of food should be consumed for a constant weight lifter dailey?

2. How does the rebuilding of muscle occur after being broken down in the process of weight lifting?

3. How does your soul, spirit, mind, and body respond with one another? Does your body and physique affect another part of you?

4. How much pressure is being exerted on a person with a 200 lb bar?

5. What is the best and most efficient way to recover from a sprained ankle? 

Which question is best?
What is the best and most efficient way to recover from a sprained ankle?
Question 1. Eating is just as important as working out itself. There is a food pyramid i saw that shows you the amounts of certain types of food you should take in daily. Fruits, meats, veggies, dairy. Some you should take in more than others. Whats the point of working out if you are going to go home and eat crap? Your body needs certain foods to support the breaking down of your body.
Question 2. Building muscle and recovering from your last workout can take up to 24 hours depending on how much sleep you get and what you eat prior and after your workout. After I workout it usually take me a day to recover. I dont start feeling the soreness till a couple hours after i have worked out. Your body gets the most recovery done in your sleep so its important to get sleep from a range of 8 to 10 hours nightly.
Question 3. Your soul,body, mind all come together to make you who you are. Without one of these three aspects, you can lesson the want and desire to keep working out. Sometimes you can overcome missing one of these aspects. Religion is sometimes what get people up to live everyday and inspires them to be great and glorify God in some certain way.
Question 4. Algebra along with mathematics in general can help you understand what amount of weight you need to be lifting and how many reps you do of that certain weight. Math helps you see certain aspects in weight lifting you thought you never see. Knowing all this can really help you in the long run.
Question 5. Through working out, you will eventually find yourself with a sprain or a pulled muscle. Knowing a little bit about how your body heals can help you heal faster. There are ways in which one can gradually heal from the injury.  Physical therapy deals with this and more. It also deals with broken parts and other aspects of the body. This is really interesting to me because this is my career I want to pursue. I would start out being an assistant but could possibly make and run my own business. It takes a decent amount of schooling but is totally worth it if it is in your interest. Has a good starting salary and goes up as the years go by. 
1.      Review some of the research material you have found and free-write five minutes on each one of your working research questions.  Choose the topic that generates the most information and interest for you the writer.
2.      Which working question did you choose and why? Physical therapy because that is the career i am wanting to pursue and means the most to me. What types of sources would you look for to research this topic? I know a guy who runs his own building as a Physical therapist. I could get alot of information from him as well as articles online. Where would you begin? I would began by asking myself question that come up when thinking on this topic and make sure those questions get answered. I could ask the physical therapist how many years exactly he went to school for example. Justify your answer and be specific. 
3.      Write a possible thesis statement that answers your research question. 

x Recently I have learned that I am really interested in body building. With my interest in body building, I have done research on jobs that closely relate to body building. The three reasons physical therapy goes along with wieght training is, that they both deal with the breaking down of the body, both have to do with rehabilitating the body, and they both have to do with taking care of yourself.  
